MS Office 12将推出手机版本

对很多软件厂商来说, 这是一个非常危险的信号, 虽然不能保证手机用户需要Office的全部功能, 但是很显然这种数据应用很可能在即将到来的3G大潮中占据一席之地. Office的衍生功能有可能成为Killer, 这样一来, SymbianOS的小命更加危险了…

Sources say the mobile Office suite will include viewers for Word, Excel and Powerpoint, along with basic editors for Word and Excel. The suite is also said to include DRM security, XML file formats and OneNote Mobile, a version of Microsoft’s note-taking application. The mobile Office 12 suite is being designed to run on smart phones and PDAs, sources said.

Partners said that Microsoft is planning to include rights-management support for the Mobile Office family members, as well as support for XML as the default file format for the mini-suite. (The XML file format support will likely lag the rest of the mobile Office suite features, sources said).


  1. Word, Excel, PPT viewer
  2. Word, Excel, PPT editor
  3. OneNote for Mobile
  4. 集成的IM客户端
  5. 集成的Outlook客户端
  6. 集成的Softphone客户端, 含视频
  7. 地图

估计MS这次很可能采用类似其PC的市场策略, 即从Vendor入手, 让人民群众用上Office, 然后套牢在Office/Windows上面


2018 Review: 手机Office被WPS占领了:-)


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