现在open source非常繁荣, 但是繁荣背后的痛苦确是很少人关注的, 一个open source的软件, 多数是作者辛辛苦苦利用业余时间开发的, 可是很多无耻的公司, 确不遵守职业道德, 无情地霸占别人的劳动成果, 如果想使用别人的代码, 好歹你也言语一声, 或者open你的代码吧. sigh~~~
举报链接: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-violation.html
Recently I’ve notified about these two products that they use code from the guliverkli project, one of them is free but closed source and not GPLed player (KMPlayer), while the other is a fully commercial product (http://www.vx30.com/). There are boundled dshow filters, string, toolbars, dialogs, command line switches, etc…, which can be verified easily by just running the applications and taking a look, or a bit harder by analysing the memory dump. Since I have no better idea about what to do now (I got no reply to the email I sent to kmplayer’s developer, it would probably be the same with vx30’s too…), I’m posting this as a news here. The developements are going slow anyway because of my job and life, but these cases won’t inspire me either. –gabest