
Skype昨天发布新版本, 主要是一个维护版本, Release Notes中给出了说明, 发现很多bug都不是隐藏很深bug, 比如: 登录失败的情况下, 用户名称没有被保存; Help链接点击无效之类的.

测试是一个长期重复的过程, 即使是拥有几千万用户同时在线的知名软件, 也有如此明显的bug. 一方面说明测试无止境, 另外一方面说明如果要推出产品, 就要有所取舍.

25.01.2006 version
change: Import Contacts Wizard logic improvements
bugfix: PublicAPI: Expanded Contact Groups property did not change
bugfix: Access Violation spawned when signoff is executed and Options screen is open
bugfix: Proxy options were not saved properly when proxy address started with https:
bugfix: Accessibility: (and earlier) MSAA State_System_Selected not set accurately in lists
bugfix: LOGIN: username is not remembered, if login fails
bugfix: LOGIN: “Help” link did not work
bugfix: Line break did not work in Mood message field (Japanese version only)


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