Nokia offers VoIP for all [zz]

Nokia看来真是通信大公司的行业楷模, 居然准备全线率先推出Wireless VoIP产品和技术, 包括核心网产品和终端产品, 佩服之余, 也考虑更换手机了.

Nokia, the wireless giant, is urging mobile operators not to be deterred by mobile VoIP. Instead, it announced a product for everyone at 3GSM: service providers, enterprises and consumers.

  • Moving with their Fixed-Mobile Convergence strategy, Nokia launched a UMA network solution as part of the Nokia Unified Core Network solution available in the second quarter of 2006. Using UMA will enable the use of unlicensed technologies such as WiFi and also extend GSM indoor coverage.
  • Nokia already has nine devices that support both cellular and WiFi in its portfolio. It introduced another one–Nokia 6136–to integrate UMA that allows handover between GSM and WLAN networks. The fold-style, quadraband phone will be available for €275 (without subsidy) in the second quarter of 2006. Orange will be its initial customer.
  • Nokia has integrated Avaya’s mobility application, Communications Manager, into Nokia’s Series 80 smart phones for businesses, offering cost-effective benefits such as one business number, single voicemail, separating personal and business calls for billing, and enabling the mobile workforce to remain highly productive and accessible. VoIP over GSM from Nokia’s S60 smart phones will be globally available to the Nokia’s S80 smart phones by summer.
  • Nokia also announced the release of its IMS Release 2.0, bringing VoIP and multimedia for fixed networks.


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