

之前配置Confluence发现无法安装中文子库,折腾了很久也木有搞定。后来请YP联系了厂商,通了电话才知道原来是在配置Conf的时候选择使用JIRA的用户目录认证,而且排在了原先的Conf用户目录之前,而且管理员还重名了,导致无法再使用原先的Conf管理员登陆,很多配置无法使用。厂商给出了一个链接可以调整用户目录的次序,尝试以后发现是可行的,Restoring Passwords To Recover Admin User Rights。具体步骤如下:

Step 3. Put the Internal Directory in First Position

Start Confluence, and try logging in with the username of the user you updated/created and the password ‘admin’. If this works, skip to Step 4. Otherwise, your Internal Directory does not have high enough priority.

To put your Internal Directory in first position:

  1. Find the directory names and their order:

    select d.id, d.directory_name, m.list_index from cwd_directory d join cwd_app_dir_mapping m ond.id=m.directory_id;

  2. Take note of the ID with list_index 0, and the list_index and ID of the Confluence Internal Directory.
  3. Switch the order of the directories:

    update cwd_app_dir_mapping set list_index = 0 where directory_id = <Internal Directory id>;

    update cwd_app_dir_mapping set list_index = <Noted Internal Directory list_index> wheredirectory_id = <Directory id that had list_index 0>;

  4. Check to see if the directory is active (the ‘active’ column should be set to ‘T’):

    select id, directory_name, active from cwd_directory where id = <Internal Directory id>;

  5. If necessary, activate the directory:

    update cwd_directory set active = 'T' where id = <Internal Directory id>;



  1. 升级Confluence到5.5.4,未搞定中文
  2. JIRA升级后原有Issue时间显示错乱的问题
  3. 从JIRA 5.0升级到6.0
  4. Confluence并发写的互相覆盖问题
  5. Restoring Passwords To Recover Admin User Rights


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