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最近听到不少要做PCB(Printed Circuit Board)的事情,就随手拆解了一个淘汰的USB HUB兼RJ45转换器,随机送的,有个同类转换器价格大约在35元的样子。拆开的时候有些暴力,但是没有损坏PCB板和上面的元器件。
1、GL3520:台湾Genesys Logic生产的 USB 3.0集线器芯片,2014年第一个版本。支持USB3.0/2.0,兼容1.1,72个管脚,看上去需要外接一个晶振,找了一下,果然有一个25000Mhz的晶振配套。原理图和管脚图看不懂,只能大体猜个意思。单片价格在7元左右。看到和GL3520类似的芯片还有VL812。
2、RTL8135:台湾Realtek生产的用于USB3.0的以太网控制器,Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Controller for USB Applications。The Realtek RTL8153-CG 10/100/1000M Ethernet controller combines an IEEE 802.3u compliant Media Access Controller (MAC), USB 3.0 bus controller, and embedded memory. With state-of-the-art DSP technology and mixed-mode signal technology, the RTL8153 offers high-speed transmission over CAT 5 UTP cable or CAT 3 UTP (10Mbps only) cable. Functions such as Crossover Detection and Auto-Correction, polarity correction, adaptive equalization, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, and error correction are implemented to provide robust transmission and reception capabilities. The RTL8153 features embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memory that can replace the external EEPROM (93C46/93C56/93C66/TWSI). 48管脚,单片价格大约在16.50元。这个芯片也需要一个时钟,然后就看到了另外一个25000MHz晶振
4、FLT HF-5009:也是常用的芯片,电源滤波器芯片,具体产地不详,从外观看,像是国产芯片,价格貌似几元钱
5、FT25H04(2个):中国辉芒微电子(深圳)生产的4Mbit闪存芯片。FT25H family powered with 3V–the density range of which are respectively from 4Mbit to 64Mbit, with read speed up to 120MHz and Standard/Dual/Quad I/O operations, FT25H family(FT25H04 not included) supports higher data transfer speed of 240MHz/s for Dual SPI and 480MHz/s for Quad SPI. FT25H family operate at the full industrial temperature range of -40°C to 85°C . A minimum of 100,000 cycle endurance is guaranteed. The data stored will typically last for over 10 years. They are available in DIP8, SOP8-208mil, SOP8-150mil, VSOP8-208mil, TSSOP8 lead free or green packages. 8个管脚。每个单价0.46元
初步测算,这个转换器的芯片成本大约是 16.5 + 7 + 3 + 0.39 + 0.46*2 + 0.5 = 28.31 左右,结合其他零部件、接口和铝合金外壳,估计成本可能要30-40元。
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