


引文1分析了人和AI的APM(Action Per Minute),人类最高也就500,AI可以达到1500。最高水平的SC2玩家Serral的EAPM(有效APM)可以达到344,认为这是Serral多次获胜的原因。换言之,能否在SC2获胜是依赖于APM的,因此引文1得出结论:不需要高明的战术和战略,仅靠APM,AI打SC2就可以完爆人类
























1、AlphaStar plays the full game of StarCraft II, using a deep neural network that is trained directly from raw game data by supervised learning and reinforcement learning.

2、we worked with Blizzard in 2016 and 2017 to release an open-source set of tools known as PySC2, including the largest set of anonymised game replays ever released. We have now built on this work, combining engineering and algorithmic breakthroughs to produce AlphaStar.

3、AlphaStar’s behaviour is generated by a deep neural network that receives input data from the raw game interface (a list of units and their properties), and outputs a sequence of instructions that constitute an action within the game. More specifically, the neural network architecture applies a transformer torso to the units, combined with a deep LSTM core, an auto-regressive policy head with a pointer network, and a centralised value baseline. We believe that this advanced model will help with many other challenges in machine learning research that involve long-term sequence modelling and large output spaces such as translation, language modelling and visual representations.

4、AlphaStar also uses a novel multi-agent learning algorithm. The neural network was initially trained by supervised learning from anonymised human games released by Blizzard. This allowed AlphaStar to learn, by imitation, the basic micro and macro-strategies used by players on the StarCraft ladder. This initial agent defeated the built-in “Elite” level AI – around gold level for a human player – in 95% of games.

5、These were then used to seed a multi-agent reinforcement learning process. A continuous league was created, with the agents of the league – competitors – playing games against each other, akin to how humans experience the game of StarCraft by playing on the StarCraft ladder.

6、As the league progresses and new competitors are created, new counter-strategies emerge that are able to defeat the earlier strategies. While some new competitors execute a strategy that is merely a refinement of a previous strategy, others discover drastically new strategies consisting of entirely new build orders, unit compositions, and micro-management plans. For example, early on in the AlphaStar league, “cheesy” strategies such as very quick rushes with Photon Cannons or Dark Templars were favoured. These risky strategies were discarded as training progressed, leading to other strategies: for example, gaining economic strength by over-extending a base with more workers, or sacrificing two Oracles to disrupt an opponent’s workers and economy. This process is similar to the way in which players have discovered new strategies, and were able to defeat previously favoured approaches, over the years since StarCraft was released.【这一点在录像中确实可以看到,AI没有采用高风险的Quick Rush战术

7、The neural network weights of each agent are updated by reinforcement learning from its games against competitors, to optimise its personal learning objective. The weight update rule is an efficient and novel off-policy actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm with experience replayself-imitation learning and policy distillation.



8、In order to train AlphaStar, we built a highly scalable distributed training setup using Google’s v3 TPUs that supports a population of agents learning from many thousands of parallel instances of StarCraft II. The AlphaStar league was run for 14 days, using 16 TPUs for each agent. During training, each agent experienced up to 200 years of real-time StarCraft play. The final AlphaStar agent consists of the components of the Nash distribution of the league – in other words, the most effective mixture of strategies that have been discovered – that run on a single desktop GPU.

9、In its games against TLO and MaNa, AlphaStar had an average APM of around 280, significantly lower than the professional players, although its actions may be more precise. This lower APM is, in part, because AlphaStar starts its training using replays and thus mimics the way humans play the game. Additionally, AlphaStar reacts with a delay between observation and action of 350ms on average.



10、During the matches against TLO and MaNa, AlphaStar interacted with the StarCraft game engine directly via its raw interface, meaning that it could observe the attributes of its own and its opponent’s visible units on the map directly, without having to move the camera – effectively playing with a zoomed out view of the game. We trained two new agents, one using the raw interface and one that must learn to control the camera, against the AlphaStar league. Each agent was initially trained by supervised learning from human data followed by the reinforcement learning procedure outlined above.

11、Our agents were trained to play StarCraft II (v4.6.2) in Protoss v Protoss games, on the CatalystLE ladder map. To evaluate AlphaStar’s performance, we initially tested our agents against TLO: a top professional Zerg player and a GrandMaster level Protoss player. AlphaStar won the match 5-0, using a wide variety of units and build orders. “I was surprised by how strong the agent was,” he said. “AlphaStar takes well-known strategies and turns them on their head. The agent demonstrated strategies I hadn’t thought of before, which means there may still be new ways of playing the game that we haven’t fully explored yet.”【应该被震撼到了:AI居然在人类的总部建了一个能量塔,貌似无厘头,其实不然,AI在附近很快建设兵营】

12、After training our agents for an additional week, we played against MaNa, one of the world’s strongest StarCraft II players, and among the 10 strongest Protoss players. AlphaStar again won by 5 games to 0, demonstrating strong micro and macro-strategic skills. “I was impressed to see AlphaStar pull off advanced moves and different strategies across almost every game, using a very human style of gameplay I wouldn’t have expected,” he said. “I’ve realised how much my gameplay relies on forcing mistakes and being able to exploit human reactions, so this has put the game in a whole new light for me. We’re all excited to see what comes next.”【MaNa也被震撼到了,都是从来没有见过的招数】



  1. 「击败星际争霸II职业玩家」的 AlphaStar是在作弊?
  2. 星际争霸AI的真实能力
  3. AlphaStar: Mastering the Real-Time Strategy Game StarCraft II
  4. AlphaStar Resources
  5. Blizzard/s2client-proto
  6. Watch a visualisation of AlphaStar’s entire second game against MaNa
  7. Watch the exhibition game against MaNa
  8. Download 11 replays here


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