F5 BIG-IP GTM的主要功能,其中GTM对应了GSLB,而LTM对应了SLB,这样就比较清晰地明确了GTM和GSLB的关系。(参考引文11和12)。由于BIG-IP GTM是设备,因此F5认为可以通过合理配置GTM功能,可以实现GSLB。这样也就知道了为什么云厂商没有提供GSLB业务,而是提供了GTM业务:因为他们本来就是一种业务。
三、Edge DNS和ALB(Akamai提供)
Edge DNS is an authoritative DNS service that moves your DNS resolution from your premises or data centers to the Akamai Intelligent Edge. Edge DNS is architected for nonstop DNS availability and high performance, even through the largest DDoS attacks. Edge DNS can be deployed as a primary or secondary solution with optional DNSSEC support to protect against DNS forgery and manipulation.
The Application Load Balancer Cloudlet enables you to define several data center configuration scenarios to balance traffic among combinations of cloud and physical data sources, and quickly switch among them with the click of an activation button or API call. Requests for particular content can be directed to various data sources, by IP and geography or several http header attributes including: URL path, device characteristics, request method, and many more. Traditional methods of load balancing that focus solely on DNS (layer 3) requests lack the flexibility and control to provide seamless load balancing for more modern application architectures that require HTTP layer (Layer 7) controls. Hardware-based load balancers not only require maintenance, are limited in their ability to scale, but can also introduce inefficient management processes and delay time to market. Existing cloud-based approaches are often useful only for the IaaS services on which they are built and sometimes lack reliability that could take your app offline completely.
- 网宿软文:https://blog.csdn.net/zzhongcy/article/details/103974685
- 网宿DNS:https://www.wangsu.com/product/88
- 网宿GTM:https://www.wangsu.com/product/89
- 阿里软文1:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/128039572
- 阿里软文2:https://www.jianshu.com/p/a5904d0260e5
- 阿里云文档:https://developer.aliyun.com/ask/277885
- 阿里云产品页:https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/102232.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.544.3b9569a0QLfPwj
- 阿里云产品总览:https://www.aliyun.com/product/dns?spm=5176.12825654.eofdhaal5.d169.e9392c4ajs8XyO&scm=20140722.1021.1.1056
- Wikipedia-F5:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F5_Networks
- Wikipedia-LB:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_balancing_(computing)
- F5 BIG-IP GTM-overview:https://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-global-traffic-manager-overview.pdf
- F5 BIG-IP GTM-DS:https://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-global-traffic-manager-ds.pdf
- Akamai GTM:https://www.akamai.com/uk/en/multimedia/documents/product-brief/global-traffic-management-product-brief.pdf
- 移动云云解析业务:https://ecloud.10086.cn/home/product-introduction/dns
- Akamai GTM Blog:https://blogs.akamai.com/2019/07/akamai-load-balancing-to-lock-in-quality.html
- Akamai Application Load Balancer(ALB):https://www.akamai.com/us/en/products/performance/cloudlets/application-load-balancer.jsp